Sunday, July 26, 2009


Finally We are able to get internet again!!!! Just in time for us to move!!! We will be moving out our current house at the end of August. I cant wait. While we are building our house We are going to be living with Michaels parents. They were nice enough to offer it to us once we found out that the house was a GO. It will be different but it will be nice we will be about 3 blocks away from my parents and Paityn will get more time with them all. And i will be closer in town when Hunter decides to come. We are so thankful to them.

Now for Paityn:

Paityn turned 10 months today she is getting so big. She had learned how to express herself through her little tantrums. which sometimes are cute and other times not so cute. She is really close to walking she walks all over the place as long as she is holding onto at least one of our fingers. When we got back from Wyoming Paityn ended up gettting really sick she had a fever of 102.5-103.5 off and on for about a week. We took her to the hospital three days in cause we were so worried it was the first time that she was sick and with temps. that high it was a little scary. They said that it was just a cold and she would get over it. It took 5 days for her to finally have no more fevers . Paityn has her third tooth coming through it is so close so we are dealing with her teething pains hopefully she will pop it through Soon!!! Paityn has such a personality. She is pretty funny we could sit here and laugh at her and with her for hours. She has so many different faces that she makes and she laughs at her self all the time. she has finally found the kitchen and loves to get into all of the cupboards. She loves string cheese & kix for snacks she has started to eat breakfest lunch and dinner with us and loves all of our food. We have found only a couple of things she will not eat. She doesnt like Cooked peas (but loves fresh peas), she got a slice of an onion and didnt like that. but other than that she pretty much will eat anything. I cant wait til she is a year and can have a PB&J sandwich cause i love those. So im pretty sure she will. Well thats about it for Paityn.

Now Michael & I:

We are so excitied to start the building of our house we will need a lot of help to get in our hours especially when Hunter gets closer to gettting here and when he is here. Cause i wont be able to work for a while. We are so excitied to have a place that we can actually call our own and be proud of what we built together. We are getting so excitied for the arrival of our baby boy and love to sit and feel him kick. he sure is an active baby. This pregnacy seems a little better than Paityns. the only difference is that with this on i was not sick, I can feel the braxten hicks, I drink so much milk, and i have plenty of cravings. The wierdest craving by far i would have to say is for wirchester sauce. dont ask cause i have no clue why i crave it. I am Quiting my job of 2years and 3 months at the end of October so i can stay home with the children and hopefully get a little time with Paityn before Hunter comes it will give us about 20 days with eachother if Hunter comes on his due date. We are super excitied. this next weekend Michaels Cousins Ren & Chase are coming to visit and as soon as they are gone we are going to spend some time with Michael Family. we cant wait. Well i better get going I've got some packing to do.
Love always
Michael, Rochelle, Paityn & Hunter (on the way) Stucki