Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello Everyone,
Sorry it has taken this long for me to update our blog. We kinda dont have internet anymore because we were blocked by our neighbors. lol. Well we have exciting News we found out that we are having a little
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is so exciting. We have decided on a name and his name will be.......Hunter....... Hunter Kitric Stucki. The due date in November 20th but if he is anything like his sister he'll come around the 10th. So sometime in November our little one will be here. And so far he is healthy thank goodness for that.
We also have signed up for a program that helps you build a home with low interest rate and we are going to be doing it. We have to contribute atleast 40 hrs a week to building the house and it can take 6 to 9 months to complete however they only allow you to work on Saturdays and Sundays. So we have to try and get all 40 hrs in on Saturday so we dont miss church and dont have to work on Sundays . The nice thing is you can get help from family and friends and their hours can count as your hours. So if we can get at least 2 Voulenteers + Michael and me every saturday then we will be covered and can go to church on Sundays its one of those things that we are gonna make work because it is such a neat oppurtunity. We just have to find the voulenteers to help especially when Hunter comes ill be out for a week or 2 . But we feel this is what we are supposed to do and we are super excitied. We are supposed to get started sometime in August so its coming up fast. the nice thing is we wont be working in the summer heat. Thank goodness for that one.
well thats all i have time for ill try and get to were i can update more sorry
love to all