Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wow its been awhile

I cant believe that 2 months almost 3 have passed since i last blogged about our lives!!!!!!!!! well we got some exciting news!!!!!! Ready for it?????? We Are PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats right we are going to be having another child in November. That mean that Paityn and her new baby Brother or sisiter will only be 13months apart. And God deffinatly had a part in this one. We had gone to the temple and we prayed that we may know when we should have another child and we had a feeling not to wait. The next thing we knew we were Pregnant!!!!!!!!1 amazing how god works. i am right now about 12 weeks along and this pregnancy has gone a lot better so far. 1)Ive had nause but i have not thrown up yet which in my eyes is amazing, 2) i actually get to drink water with out getting sick. Its hard to believe that i will have 2 kids all within 13 months and Im barely going to be 21. can you believe that?????

well Paityn is getting so big she is rolling all over the place but not crawling which she will do on her own sweet time. I cant believe that my little baby will be 7 months old sunday she is getting so so so big. She is eating a breakfeast and a dinner *She has started using sippy
cups during those meals* plus she still is getting her bottles.

Michael was finally able to finish Paityns crib, i think that finding out that we will need another crib kind of help push him so amazing he worked so hard on it and im glad to say it turned out better then i could of ever imagined.

I also had the oppurtunity to go and learn to snow board with my husband who is an amazing teacher!! heres a few pictures

We found out about a month ago that in the fall we will be moving away from Kingman, its exciting but at the same time a little scary, since i have lived her my whole life. the nice thing we arent moving to far away so we will still be able to visit family.

i dont know what else to say so i better go im still trying to sell bows if anyone is interested!