Monday, February 23, 2009

Sick/busy last few weeks

So I think that i am not very good at the whole blogging on a regular bases. However i hope you all understand. we have been so so busy. First of all we had a really good snow enough to be able to put Paityn out in it and get pictures the next morning. She loved it until i put some in her hand, and when we laid her in it to make a snow angel i think it was still a little cold on her hands. We even gave her some to eat and she loved it she couldn't get enough of it and she got mad when we quit giving her snow.
What else oh this last week we all went to Phoenix so Michael could attend a crash course in Hearing Aids since he takes the test tomorrow to be come a certified Hearing Specialist *he works under his dads licence right now* I know he will do great but it still makes me really nerves. Well while we were in Phoenix I put Paityn on my lap and let go and she sat up all by her self. If she wasn't so interested in looking at everything i think she might be able to sit by her self, she just moves to much. We also started playing Peek~a~boo with her and her blankets and she is so smart. it took her a couple of times to get the hang of it but when you put the blanket over her face she will pull it off, and after a couple of times she actually grabs the blanket and will pull it over her own face and and pull it off, trying to play. it is so cute.
Well for Valentines we celebrated it on Friday so that we would have a babysitter **family** to watch Paityn. We went to Laughlin and went to the Outback for dinner and just walked around the casino for a little and then went to the mall and bought Paityn so gifts. Well when we went to Vegas the weekend before V~day i was sick and on some meds that knocked me out. and in that i happen to loose my phone i have no clue where it is. so i had to get a new phone. luckily i had insurance but sucks cause i lost all of my numbers!!!!!!!!!! Pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! & the PHONE!!!!!!!!!!! AWWWWWW. but what can you do nothing but move on. still no luck on selling any bows hopefully i will have some luck really so. eww i gotta go Paityn is waking up from her afternoon nap. take care and i will keep you updated as much as possible
*its been hard Paityn has been sick and grouchy and barley sleeping i don't know if i should take her to the doctor or just see if she can get over it her self. well i better go

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


These are the other bows that i have made Let me know what you think. Even if it is that i should give up on the bows*Honesty Hurts but it only makes you stronger.*

As you can see from the pictures the bows clip on to head bands * i buy the head bands from walmart the new born ones. i havent gotten the hang of making those yet still trying. The bows are $5.00 If there is one you like just let me know i havent come up with names so just tell me colors and (if there is a design on them)What design is on them. I am mostly selling in kingman it easier that way, but if you trust me to mail them to you, (if you do not live here) i will, there will just be a little shipping added to the cost.Thanks again

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Last 2 Weeks

Hello everyone,
sorry it has taken so long for an update. we have been kinda really busy. Michael went snowboarding last weekend and had so much fun. he got home and it was nice to have him home. Paityn is getting so big she isnt doing much but she is trying to roll over, she gets so upset about not being able to roll over. She is getting a very good grip, she has found my hair and loves to pull it. she is getting better at sitting up a little. She loves to be in the kitchen with us when we are cooking. We went to the doctor for Paityns check up and she is 12.9 lbs. & 23 3/4 inc. long. i can not believe it.
Im am still scrapbooking and making Paityns bows i love making her things and I love being with her she makes my day brighter. I love working but i wish i could just stay home and enjoy every minute of her life. We were able to go to the temple on January 31. and we enjoyed it so much. i wish i could go all the time. luckly we get to go this saturday also. yea!!! Well i think thats it for the update. i hope every one is doing great and if there is anything that we might be able to help you with just let us know.