Sunday, January 18, 2009

In our Family of 3

Well were shoul i start. Last Sunday Paityn found her feet, & then on Tuesday her foot found its way to her mouth. We started her today on 6oz. which she still does not htink is enough and throws a little hissy fit. you can def. tell that she is a girl. she is beginning to laugh and laugh and laugh. and getting more and more ticklelish. although today she through her first all day fit. we almost did not go to church because of her outburst and attitude.

I have made a couple more bows and i am selling them for $5.oo and i am also making blankets i am going to vegas on Tuesday to get more material to start those. i will be selling them for around $10.00 i think that is not a set price but that is what i am saying now. I dont have any blankets right now. **i am unable to upload pictures at this time will post them as soon as possible**
Michael as usual has been working really hard to support our little family and is doing a great job. He is taking a little vacation to go spend sometime with his dad brother and cousin. they are going to go snowboarding. Its exciting but at the same time i hate when he leaves. but every one deserves a break once in a while. he sure is loving being a dad and we can not wait for more children.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Well in the last few weeks, i have taught myself to make a little flannel blanket and a couple of head bows that clip on to Paityns headbands. I am so proud i think they turned out great figuring out how to do it by just looking at Charly's *our Niece's* bows. i plan on making a few and selling them. the bows and blankets. So if you are interested let me know. As of right now i am only selling them in Kingman and i will be

posting a few pictures of what i have made. Yesterday my sister in-law Caitlin came over and we pretty much scrapbooked all day. we only got a few pages. It is so nice having a cricut that cuts out all the shapes that i want. It is so fun making page of the exciting things that Paityn is doing. While we Scrapbooked we put Tanner* my Nephew* in a playpen and Paityn in her Bouncer they sat there and talked and laughed it was so cute and of course as soon as we got the video camera out they stopped. and then they took a 3 hour nap and we enjoyed spending the time just hanging out and talking. we have been family for 3 years i believe and we haven't really spent any time together getting to know each other. Well that's all i believe and if i remember anything else i will blog about it tomorrow.
Always the Stucki's


This last weekend Michael had the pleasure of going juavalina hunting with my dad and brother their first day out Michael and my dad both got their pig by 11:00A.M. They got home and skinned them we are going over tomorrow to cut and dice them. Im so excitied to have juavalina and im so proud of Michael It was his first pig hunt and first hunt using a bow and arrow.n~Michael also got 2 Quail. They are planning on putting in for elk so hopefully they get drawn.
We were planning on taking Paityn hunting but since it was quit windy and they werent camoing over night she will have to wait for here first hunt.
Hopefully there will be plenty more hunting stories to come.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year

A lot has happen since i have been able to blog. I just was able to finish my post about Paityns Blessing, and that was back in November and the last blog before that was Halloween time.

We were able to spend time with Michaels family for Christmas and that was neat to be able to have Christmas with them. They have a lot of cool traditions. Its so nice to have another family to spend the holidays with and see how other people celebrate Christ birth.
This was the first Christmas that Michael has spent with his family since he left for his mission, And Paityn and i were able to share that with him.
For New Years we went to Pheniox to spend it with Michaels sisters and the whole family made it. We played this murder mystery game. It was fun, but a little challinging. Having never played a murder mystery game, It turns out that i was the Murderer and its something that would be fun to play again, knowing now how to play and next time Michael and i decided that next time we are really gonna dress up and get more into charecter.
This weekend Michael get to go PIG hunting with my Dad and Brother. i hope he gets something but more importantly i hope that he has fun, and enjoys the time with them.

Now News About Paityn
The day before Thanksgiving Paityn did her first real laugh. She is getting bigger and bigger every day. Its so cute to see her react when she see's or hears her dad come home from work or when i pick her up after i am done with work. it is crazy that she is already 3 1/2 months already. I love her so much. Paityn is such a happy baby. She diffently is going to be a talker when she gets older she is constanty making noises. She had her first Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year (along with a little party to bring in the New Year)
Well that all for now I Promise to try and be better about posting updates.
***I will post pictures soon i left my camera in Pheniox and i have to wait to get it back, but as soon as i get it back i will post pictures, there are some cute ones of Paityn Celebrating New Years.***
The Stuckis