Monday, December 8, 2008

Blessing Day

Well sorry it has taken so long to write about Paityns special day. Paityn was blessed on November 30th, 2008 and almost the whole family was able to come, the only family not able to come was Michaels sister Zoe and her family.
Michael did such a great job blessing Paityn. Its such a great Blessing to be able to have a husband who has the great blessing of being able to bless our children. A lot was said and she was blessed with a lot of neat things to come. She is very loved.
Paityn was so cute in her little gown. It was neat to be able to put Paityn in the same gown that i was blessed in when i was a baby.
Im so proud of being a mother and i love every mintue of it i couldnt ask for a beter child. I can not wait til we have our other children and get to have them blessed. It is such a neat experiance.
Well thats alli have about her blessing day.
The Stucki's