Sunday, October 19, 2008

The last Month

Our little family
The last 3 weeks have gone by so fast they seem. Paityn is growing bigger and bigger and is such a great baby. the other night she sleep 7 hrs. and i had to wake her up to feed her. Today she had her first real bath and loved it. She is making the cutest little noises and smiles like crazy. We sure do love her so so much.

Tomorrow we get to go to Flagstaff, and wake up way early on Tues. and sit in the hospital while Dad Merritt gets a very serious back surgery. Its a very serious and stressful thing to think about but we want to be there and support him in this serious thing. But on the plus side we get to see my grandma and Aunt. They are coming down to also support my dad. We have been spending what seems like a lot more time with both of our family's.

Well that's about all the time i have to update sorry that there isn't anything else to tell you about maybe as Paityn gets older there will be a Little more to tell you about.