Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our new Arrival

So our little girl is finally here. Her name is Paityn Boutear Stucki and she arrived on Sept. 26th 2008, at 7:51 p.m. she weighed in at 6 Lbs. 15 oz. and she is 20.4 in. long. Is the most adorable baby I have ever seen. *but of course i am her mother* Labor for the most part was a sinch however the contraction were a killer. Once the doctor got there to deliver it only took 15 min. & our little one was here. we are so glad she is here. She is healthy and we as a family are doing great and so excitied to have a little baby in our home we are so greatful for the oppurtunity to be able & blessed to have her in our home. Our family is so supportive and as excitied *well almost* as we are. So that all that i have time for right now ive get to go tend to my little ball of joy!!!! So intil next time
The Stucki Family

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dr. Appt. Today

So we had our 37 week check~up today and we got some good news.... we were told that the baby is dropping and her head is in the right spot we are dialated to a 2 and are thinning out!! we go back in on the 24th and hopeful that will be our last check up and the baby will be here but she will come when she is ready!!! Its so exciting to be so close to having Paityn here. We cant wait and we will keep you all updated when we get more news. love to all.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Our family update

Our family
We went to the Doctor on Wednesday, and everything looks good. We go back at 10:30 A.M. On the 16th and there we see how close we are to having Paityn in our arms. We can not wait. Michael is so excited to have a little girl,its funny to talk with him about his little girl being here and how excited you can tell he is. We had our baby shower on 9th of August. Thanks to our friend Ashley who threw it for us it was a great baby shower we got a lot of clothes, diapers, and homemade blankets. and much more. its nice to know we have friends and family that are there for us with support in this time of our life's. Well now we both have a lot to be thankful for. at the beginning of Aug. Michael his brother and his dad went out early in the morning to workout. When they went to ride their bikes like normal routine one of the bikes had a flat tire, so boys being boys came up with the plan to just take 2 bikes and the 3rd person could just take the dirt bike and they would just take turns riding the pedal bikes. well when it became Lunds (Michael's Dad) turn and they were on their way back. Lund had a freak accident. he went in to a Walsh like thing and when he came out on the other side there was a ditch and he ended up flying over the handle bars. He could breath but wouldn't go to the hospital. Thomas took him home and Kathy (Michael's Mom) talked Lund into going into the Hospital. when they got there they found out that he had broken some ribs, had a collapsed lung and a ruptured spleen and was rushed into surgery. Lund pulled through and is doing great. So thank you to all who had him in your prayers.. so on to a brighter note. We have chosen to stay in our house/Kingman for another year. Congratulations to our cousin Kacey and her Husband Gregg on the birth of their little girl. we cant wait to see her. well that's all i can think of for now til next time hope every one is well. love to all