Sunday, July 27, 2008

Exciting night

So we had a very exciting night last night. Thomas and Sophia (michaels brother and wife) Had their darling baby girl last night.Miss Charly Ann Stucki.. She is 8 Lb. and 19 in. long and has a lot of hair. so it was a very exciting night. we cant wait til it is our turn to have our baby and share our little bundle of joy with all of our family and friends. it is so exciting to think that we are only 70 days away from having that chance. we go in for our next Dr. appt. on the 6th and see how everything is going... after that appt. we go in every 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks or 3 weeks. its crazy to think that we are that much closer. We are having our baby shower on the 9th of August we know that it seems kinda of early to have our shower but just in case our little one decides to come early we want to make sure that we have everything that we might need to take care of our her. I am so excitied that i have already started working on her scrap book pages. well thats the update for our little family

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Trip & Other Things

So where shall we begin???? lol well let starts with the TRIP!!!! Our first Merritt Family reunion as husband and wife was a good one. We decided to carpool with my parents to help with the driving. So we were going along and we were right outside of St. George when for some reason the gas gage was apparently off and we happen to just run out of gas.... luckily we were only about 20-30 min. away from my brothers house so he brought us gas and we made it to cedar for the night. The next morning we woke up and got on the rode and we where just past Park City when all of a sudden POP!! was what we heard. One of the tires on the trailer decided to blow it was a mess. It tore the finder off of the trailer and blow a huge hole in the wheel well. So we got that changed continued on our way. So we finally got to Bedford Wyoming. HOW EXCITING!!! we got to hangout with pretty much the whole family. it was relaxing and fun at the same time!!!! we got there Tues. evening and had to leave on Sat. morning :( how sad! So on the way back we had the pleasure of stopping in Paris Idaho. @ the Cemetery and we got to see Michael Grandparents grave and all of our ancestors that were buried the and it was nice. so we finally make it to Cedar where we stay for the night. We wake up Sunday morning and go to our newest family member Tanner Nicolas Merritt's baby blessing. (it was one of those things that make you so excitied to be having a child and have the blessing of your husband being able to give your child a blessing to help them through life) Tanner got a great and lovely blessing from his father and it was a great thing to be able to spend time there with them.. **the only thing missing was Kera The oldest sibling** we headed home that evening. it was nice to be home and have a day before we had to go back to work. we spent the day together just him and I. So that's all about the trip. now for the baby.... we go in for our 28 week check up tomorrow. i have to have a take the glucose test and get my rogham shot for my blood. we are getting closer and closer to Paityn joining our family. She is constantly moving and she is to the point where its not just punches and kicks its actual movement you see like her arm sliding across the belly its so exciting to see her move and the nice thing is as of right now she moves during the day and hardly and night so i think she already knows when morning and night are so that all for now ill update you later