Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Im So behind!!

Where to start! A lot has happened again and I stink at letting you know what is happening in our lives. We are getting closer to having a new bundle of joy join us and we can’t be more excited. It’s very hard not knowing what we are having but at the same time we are so excited for that special day.
Paityn is now 3 and boy does she still act like a 5 year old. We had a fun birthday for her and she got a lot of presents she was/is spoiled. She also has a new hair cut that makes her look way older but is so dang cute.her favorite saying right now is “WHAT NOW SUCKER!!!” and its funny if said at the right time but a lot of times she just says it for no reason.
Hunter is almost 2 and totally acts like it he is such a cheese ball and Punk to put it. (I cant find another word to describe him!) but we love him and he makes us laugh. His favorite thing to do is give that baby raspberries he thinks its so funny and he can make them sound really nasty. He is potty trained but every once in awhile he does have an accident which isn’t too bad considering he is not even 2.
Michael is working hard and going to school. He is trying to get into the Fire academy for January so we are working on that. While he does that he is also taking 2 online courses to further his fire studies while waiting to start the training. I’m so proud of him and what he has and is accomplishing. He still is very busy but yet makes time for his family. The kids hear hims coming and go hide so he has to find them everyday when he gets home (which is not that hard since they are laughing the whole time a hard in the same spot most of the time). They love there little game.
Me where to start? Well first I am doing great and loving being home with the kids. I am a little scared of what’s going to happen once I add a 3rd child to the mix but excited and I know I can do it. I got some news a while back that my mom filed for divorce from my dad, which I took really hard. Its still a touchy subject but I’m making it through with the love & support of my husband. I also took my anger & Fustration out on my crafts to decorate the house I did about 13 plus crafts in a month. And im still working on more but have slowed down the process.
Well I think that’s all for now (at least what I can remember from the last 6 months.)