Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am so bad at this blogging thing!!!
Where to start???

Well lets start with the baby of the family
DISEL!-0 yes we got a dog. American Bulldog. he was born Feb. 18th. But he is so big he doesnt look like a pup anymore. (will post pic later hopefully im not on my computer right now) the kids love him. he is White with Brindle spots and black eyeliner on his eyes. he can jump as high as my head (and i know you are all thinking well thats not very high but it really is)
HUNTER- Hunter is 10 months and huge he was weighed about a month ago and weighed in at 21.7 lbs. a beast. he is crawling really good and has taken about 7 steps so he is getting really close to walking. no teeth yet we are anxiously awaiting those. He loves to drive cars around the house and make a vrrrrrrrr nose while doing it and he pushed anything else he can around the house to get to where he wants to be. He loves his sister and they now are sharing a room.
PAITYN-Man is she BIG!!! she goes in at the end of this month to get weighed and all that stuff. but She can talk and very well i might say and makes us laugh all the time. Her and Disel are best friend and use each other to get stuff like paityn will distract me while Disel gets into stuff and the other way around. She gets to be a flower girl in her Aunt Ariels wedding October 2nd. and we are excited. She is now out of her crib and now just sleeps on her Mattress on the floor til at least the 28th maybe a little longer. and she loves it.
ROCHELLE- I still am staying home with the babies and still loving it. they keep me very busy. i am working right now on the kids bedding for the new house (ill get to that soon) I am Lucky enough to have been asked by my sister to be her Matron of honor.
MICHAEL-Where to start?? he is still working for his parents but is going to school he is in a emt class this semester and next will hopefully be in the Fire Fighter course. He finally has gotten a chance to start working on his career. He has wanted to be this since before we meet and we have talked about it since but with having 2 kids he hasnt had a real chance to start it til now. He has class 2 days a week and sometimes all day Saturdays and the days he isnt at class he is studying so we dont get much time with him right now. but it will be worth it in the end.
HOUSE- now for the house i know we were supposed to be in it already but it didnt happen we felling behind schedule but we are close the move in date it the 28th of this month(September) if everyone passes the inspections we are in. so we are praying that everyone passes. We have been working so hard on this house it will be nice to be in it finally and enjoy the inside relaxation part instead of the inside/outside working part. (will post pictures soon)
well i think thats it for now thanks for being patient for an update. sorry there are no picture soon i promise!!