Sunday, June 22, 2008

Trip and Family

So....... this Wednesday we go in for our monthly check up. Im so excitied to find out how much i have growin in 1 month. Plus i have to start getting ready for a long trip(but well worth it) to wyoming to see my grandmother and aunts and uncles and cousins. And we get to see my lil sis. who we have missed so so much. we cant wait. **oh and we get to meet our new nephew Tanner whom we have only seen pictures of but cant wait. Plus we get to spend time together and not worry about anything its well worth it to be able to go. So thats all we have to say for now but i will update you on the progress of mine & Paityn's growth. til next time the
The Stucki's

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


So as we prepare for our little family to expand we are findng out that there is a lot that goes into having a child. She is not even here yet and she is spoiled. She has already got a full closet of clothes and a bunch of shoes. We love to just sit here and try and feel her move. Ever day we are getting closer to being able to hold her in our arms, and it gets harder every daybut more exciting because we are one day closer to having her here with us. We have decided upon the name Paityn Boutear Stucki for her name, but who knows cause that can change as easily as it was choosen. So thats the update for now intil next time